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What Are Some Different Types Of Barcode Reader In India

What Are Some Different Types Of Barcode Reader In India

A barcode reader or a barcode scanner is a device that is used to read barcodes, deciphering the information in the barcode. It consists of a scanner, a decoder, and a connecting cable. However, nowadays, many wireless readers have arrived in the Indian market. 

Barcode readers have a variety of uses. It eases the transactions in shopping malls and supermarkets, making it convenient for the employees to scan all the items quickly and easily. It is also used to make payments through mobile phones. Many online payment apps use barcode scanning for fast transactions. Barcode scanners are also used by many shops for security tracking, and to protect their valuables. Nowadays, verification of plane tickets or movie tickets is made easy with the use of barcode scanning. These scanners are also used in biometrics to scan fingerprints and facial features. Apart from these uses, barcode readers have multiple other uses too across various industries.

Barcode readers have made all kinds of transactions hassle-free and quick. There are different types of barcode readers available in India. Depending on how they work, the various types of barcode readers in India are as follows.

Different types of barcode readers in India:

  1. Laser scanner: This scanner is most commonly used by grocery and retail stores. It can read the barcode without even coming in contact with it. It can read from up to 3 feet and can be easily used in low-light conditions as well. It works effortlessly with UPC-A codes, which are 1d applications. It scans the code by moving the light beam over the code in an omnidirectional way.
  2. Linear barcode scanner: This scanner can scan the barcode from a long distance of up to 35cms with high accuracy. This type of scanner is long-lasting, sturdy, and resilient. The linear barcode scanner has a rating of 2 meters, as per the drop test result. It is a handheld scanner and works well with 1d applications. Even damaged barcodes can be read with the help of a linear barcode scanner.
  3. Imager barcode scanner: This scanner is equipped with an inbuilt camera, which is used to capture an image of the barcode. It can decode the barcode irrespective of its distance from the code and its placement over it. It uses an optical-based technology, to decode the barcode.
  4. Pen scanner: The pen scanner is used to scan images and text such as books and handwritten text. The scanned text can then be uploaded to another device by connecting the pen scanner to it via Bluetooth or a USB cable. A pen scanner is quite inexpensive and very resilient. However, to accurately read the barcode, the pen must be in contact with it, positioned at a set angle. It must be moved over the barcode at a set speed.

With the emergence of barcode readers, shopping experiences have become more fun and quick. Barcode readers can save a lot of our precious time, which was earlier spent on counting notes. With a wide range of barcode readers available, Denso scanner India provides some of the best scanner options. There are various barcode resources India has. However, do some research before you invest in a good barcode reader.

Sourabh Sharma

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barcode readers in India, barcode scanners, Denso scanner India, Handheld Wired barcode reader, Imager barcode scanner, laser scanner